Parallax Corrector for The Foundry Nuke

Technical requirements
- The Foundry Nuke version: 6.2 or above
- Memory requirements: 2 GB minimum, 8 GB recommended
- Works with: Depth from Stereo and Stereo Correction
- Main use cases: parallax correction, screen plane editing
Parallax Corrector
Different 3D monitors have different preferred parallax values—in particular, cinema screens usually require less parallax values than home or other 3DTV screens to create the same 3D effect for the same footage. Video with a less-than-optimal parallax value can appear to viewers as being too flat, lacking in noticeable depth; for parallax values that are too large, viewers can experience eye strain and headaches. Any of these problems can ruin the viewing experience. Occasionally, the 3D effect even cannot be observed at all because of an inappropriate parallax.
Therefore, stereo should be adapted to the target display device. Altering source stereo parallax is not a simple task, however, especially if the stereo is the only available data. If it is converted from another format and the source 2D video is available, more-accurate disparity maps can be created, along with new stereo video with arbitrary parameter values. But even this approach doesn’t ensure that the resulting stereo will have the same quality as the source video, because precise adjustment of all stereo generator parameters is still necessary.
YUVsoft offers an easy and natural way to cope with these problems—Parallax Corrector, which can change the source parallax in one step without altering other stereo parameters. The Parallax Corrector tool is designed to reduce processing time by automatically estimating disparity maps and performing stereo regeneration, so the user need only specify the desired changes in the source video. This tool can change the parallax value even for part of a scene: for example, to double the parallax of all objects behind the screen (objects in positive parallax) while leaving the parallax in front of the screen unchanged (objects in negative parallax). The screen-plane level can also be adjusted using this plugin.
Key features of YUVsoft Parallax Corrector are
- Either decrease or increase source parallax; independent adjustment of left and right views
- Change the Zero level—or cameras’ convergence point—of source stereo
- Increase the 3D effect inside or outside of the screen (e.g., the disparity of objects behind the screen is doubled without changing areas in front of the screen)
YUVsoft Parallax Corrector in use:

The only necessary input for Parallax Corrector is the stereo sequence; the output is the stereo video with modified parallax and other depth parameters.
See also:
- Parallax Corrector technology – a general description.
- Depth from Stereo technology – gives you insight into the geometry of the scene, including the appearance of the disparity map and the way objects overlap each other.
- Depth from Stereo plugin for The Foundry Nuke.
- Stereo Generator – the tool for high quality stereo generation from 2D+Depth video, or 2D+Z.
- Stereo Correction technology – gives you the ability to fix vertical parallax and tilts between right and left views, and it enables you to eliminate color mismatches in the input stereo pair.
- Stereo-to-Multiview conversion technology – converts video from stereo pair format to n-view autostereoscopic glasses-free display format.