High-Quality Increase in Depth Map Resolution Using Depth Upscale

Frequently, performing 2D-to-3D conversion of video content using a low-resolution version of the input video is preferable. For instance, it is easier to draw a depth map manually for a frame in low resolution—and it takes less time to render the downscaled video sequence—than to do so for a full-HD frame. Auxiliary software for semiautomatic 2D-to-3D conversion also takes less time when processing downscaled video. Another reason to work with frames in low resolution is the reduced number of artifacts compared with processing the same video in higher quality. But when it comes time to increase the resolution to the original size, the result may appear rough, owing to sloppy object boundaries or to ghosting and loss of detail in gradient areas. YUVsoft Depth Upscale technology ensures quality results when increasing depth map resolution.

The algorithm uses the source video and the downscaled depth map sequence as input. The algorithm can then vary the resolution of the input depth map across a wide range of values. The Spatial strength parameter controls the degree of similarity between object boundaries in the source frame and those in the upscaled depth map. High Spatial strength values are not always preferable, however, because the source frame’s object boundaries can be blurred or the image may contain noise, reducing the quality of the upscaled depth sequence. But regardless of the selected Spatial strength value, the boundaries of upscaled objects will be in strict accordance with those of the source video frames.

YUVsoft Depth Upscale is a handy tool that automatically produces depth maps in the increased resolution: the upscaled depth maps demonstrate accurate boundaries and gradient areas. The algorithm supports various upscaling resolutions. Output depth maps from Depth Upscale can be used as input for other depth estimation and processing tools, or for stereo generation.

See also:
- Depth Upscale plugin for Adobe After Efects.
- Depth Propagation technology – propagates the frame’s depth information through the whole video sequence.
- Depth Propagation plugin for Adobe After Efects.
- Depth Effects plugin for Adobe After Effects – allows to obtain detailed depth for static scenes and background areas.
- Depth from Motion plugin for Adobe After Efects – a good solution for obtaining key frames from scenes with camera motion.
- Depth from Focus plugin for Adobe After Effects, works well for scenes where foreground objects are blurred and where manual rotoscoping is an undesirably complex and expensive option.