General Usage for Out-of-Focus Objects

The YUVsoft Depth from Focus plugin automatically generates depth maps for the source 2D image using edge blur information. This tool yields good results both for in-focus objects and out-of-focus ones, but it assumes by default that out-of-focus objects are more distant than those that are in focus.
The Rain detection mode is designed specially for obtaining an alpha mask of small particles on a video sequences that contain rain drops, snow flakes or parts of explosions, for example. Alpha mask sets the transparency of the objects in the frame with different shades of color, the lighter is the value the less transparent is the area.

Depth from Focus Rain detection results can be easily combined with depth maps obtained with other YUVsoft plugins, for example Depth Effects:

The easiest way to evaluate the capabilities of Depth from Focus is to apply its various presets to process the same frame. The Sharp edges preset yields the maximum level of detail when processing backgrounds that are out of focus. The Smooth edges preset provides maximum smoothness for the background. The Standard preset yields moderate results.
You can set all the parameter values manually in Custom mode to create the optimal combination for processing a particular frame.

YUVsoft Depth from Focus easily processes out-of-focus objects and enables you to control each component of the depth map generation: you can adjust the Spatial smoothness and Color smoothness, Gradient influence and other parameters. You can also select the optimal preset to give you the best result. Depth from Focus results can be used as key frames for YUVsoft Depth Propagation technology.